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Please note that the drive up to Camp Figtree is 15kms on gravel road. This is manageable in a regular sedan car. You can use this oppor tunit y to enjoy a slow drive up the Zuurberg Pass taking in the breathtaking scenery.

Directions to Camp Figtree from Airport or Cape Town

  • Take the N2 (North)
  • The N2 changes into the N10, 12km af ter Colchester, follow on the N10 towards Paterson
  • When you reach Paterson, turn left on the R342 towards the Addo National Park
  • Proceed for 24.5km, past the main entrance of the Addo National Park Turn Right on the R335 (Zuurberg road) signpost will indicate Camp Figtree and follow for 11km
  • Turn left into the stone gates of Camp Figtree
  • Proceed slowly, while enjoying the view, for 1.8km to the Lodge Reception
  • Being wedged between The Addo Elephant and Zuurberg National Parks makes Camp Figtree the ideal destination from which to experience the safari opportunities in the Eastern Cape
  • We suggest using a SUV although a normal sedan vehicle is also good.